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Author Guidelines

Please follow our formatting guidelines for your manuscript. Submit your original work by e-mail, ensuring it is not under consideration elsewhere.
  • Guidelines for Authors:
  • Format of Paper:
  • Fonts:
  1. English: Times New Roman.
  2. Hindi: Unicode Font (Mangal / Unicode).
  • Font Size: 
  1. Paper Title : 14.

  2. Authors : 12.

  3. Affiliation of Authors : 12.

  4. Content of Paper : 12.

  • Page limit:  Max. 15 pages (A4 with 1.5 spacing).
  • Reference Citation in Text:
  • For single author: Sharma (2015).
  • For two authors: Sharma and Singh (2016).
  • For more than two authors: Sharma et al. (2017).
  • Reference Style: (APA Format).
  • For Journal Article:
    Name of the Author(s) (Year of publication): Name of the Paper, Name of the Journal, Vol. (Issue): Page No.
  • For Book/ Book Chapter:
    Name of the Author(s) (Year of publication): Name of the Book/ Book Chapter, Name of the Publisher, Vol., Page No.
  • Online Resource / Website: Link of resource
  • Plagiarism Limit: It should be less than 15%.
  • Submit your book chapters on e-mail:

Peer Review Process

  1. Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts via our online system, including all required materials.
  2. Initial Screening: Our editorial team reviews the submission to ensure it fits the journal’s scope and adheres to guidelines.
  3. Reviewer Selection: Qualified experts in the field are chosen to review the manuscript. Reviewers are selected for their expertise and impartiality.
  4. Review Process: Reviewers assess the manuscript’s originality, methodology, significance, and clarity. They provide detailed feedback and recommend one of the following:
  • Accept without revision
  • Accept with minor revisions
  • Revise and resubmit
  • Reject.     
  1. Decision: The editor makes a final decision based on the reviewers’ recommendations and feedback. Authors are notified of the decision and provided with reviewers’ comments.
  2. Revision and Resubmission: If revisions are required, authors revise their manuscript and resubmit for further review.
  3. Publication: Accepted manuscripts are processed for publication.

For more information, please contact on e-mail

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